Karen Estes and Barbara Luther enjoying the party…
…and hostesses Peggy and Ashley Scudder, who graciously opened the Scudder Family home to the mentors and mentees for the party
Maria Viernes, Susan Duling, and Bobbie Miller in Holiday splendor!
And one of the best parts of the day is the “passing of the gift books” – round and round (left) until you can claim your own (right)
Barbara Luther, Karen Langer Baker, BJ Lane, Laura Scudder, Ashley Scudder, Elizabeth Leader, Sharon Robinson, and Peggy Scudder form a welcoming party for our mentees (to the right)…
Left to right: Lee Leal, Dulce Serrano, Andrea Acevedo, Bibiana Garcia, Paula Serrano, and Suzetty Castellanos. Certificates are also being given to Alejandrina Lopez and Esmeralda Gutierrez, who were unable to attend the graduation party.
Getting in touch again, left: Terri Keyes and former mentee, Amy Arias, who graduated from college this month.
Former mentee and college student, Antonia Rojas, right, and her mentor, Karen Langer Baker. Antonia shared her college experiences with the group.
Gemma Aguilar, standing, came to the party despite having to rush after completing one of her college final exams.
Ayu Hartono, Y’Lan Milton, Mentor Ashley Scudder, and Lizette Mendoza hanging out at the Main Street Café, getting to know each other
Suzetty inflight and back on the ground.
Alejandrina Lopez, Lee Leal, Marisol Gonzalez, Esme Gutierrez, Vivian Von Tersch, Ayu Hartono, Karen Estes, and Karen Langer Baker.
Board from left to right: Charlotte Siedman- Recording Secretary; Teresa Fiske – Finance Officer; Bobbie Miller- AAUW Funds; Elizabeth Leader- President; Young Milton- Membership Chair; Jeannie Curtright- Program Chair; Kathy Bierbrauer- Corresponding Secretary